Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alcohol Abuse Essay - 982 Words

In todays modern society alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse has become one of the most complex, life-threatening issues. Most depressed individuals usually indulge themselves in bars or pubs with their alcohols to escape from their stressful life. It has become increasingly alarming how alcohol does not only attract the adults, but also teenagers these days. Research has shown that approximately 14 million Americans (7.4%) of the population meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or alcoholism (Facts about Alcohol). Alcohol addicts may encounter social impact such as loss of respect from others who may see the problem as self- inflictive and easily avoided. Repeated use of alcohol over a period of time can result in†¦show more content†¦(Long-term effects of alcohol) Change of behavior caused by alcohols has negative impacts on ones surrounding and will, eventually, creates a rift among loved ones. Alcoholic can do anything without thinking for the future as long as they get the money to buy alcohol, ones may use the rental money for the house to buy alcohol and the worst case could happen is he loses his jobs. With this, drinker cannot be dependent on and divorce is inevitable as he could no longer support his family. Not few child abuse cases caused by alcoholic parents. Studies have shown that 2/3 of child abuse case involves alcohol (Facts about alcohol). Family members also began to avoid friends, hide problems and cover up for the drinker as they are ashamed of their family member who is alcoholic. More than one-half of American adults have a close family member who has or has had alcoholism (Dawson and Grant) Moreover, there is higher chances for their teenager child to be alcoholic too as they are used to seeing their parents drunk. As we all know that the media has a very large impact on theShow MoreRelatedAlcohol abuse1512 Words   |  7 Pages Alcohol abuse in the society. A review of the literature Abstract Alcohol abuse is also a serious medical and social problem, but is not the same as alcoholism. Alcohol abuse is theRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse942 Words   |  4 PagesEveryday around the world people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as their loved ones. Alcohol can be highly addictive, and plague an individual s life. Individuals who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseveranceRead MoreDrinking Alcohol And Alcohol Abuse952 Words   |  4 Pagesmore. Alcohol can be highly addictive and plaguing the lives of alcohol abusers. When alcoholics do attempt to quit drinking alcohol, they go through various withdrawal symptoms that complicates the road to sobriety. Quitting alcohol is far from a simple process and will require initiative and perseverance. Although many attempt to quit alcohol by simply by going â€Å"cold turkey,† there are various steps people can follow to successfully quit drinking alcohol. For those struggling with alcohol abuseRead MoreAlcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Abuse1458 Words   |  6 PagesThe alcohol abuse definition is similar to alcoholism in that in both cases alcohol is causing harm to the drinker s life and those around them. The difference is that those who abuse alcohol, but are not yet alcoholics, typically can put some limitations on their drinking and they have not yet become physically addicted to alcohol. The key to the alcohol abuse definition is not in the amount of alcohol consumed but on how it affects an individual. Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis in whichRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse941 Words   |  4 PagesEvery day around the world, people fail to realize the effects alcohol abuse can have on themselves as well as their loved ones. Alcohol is highly addictive, and can plague an individual s life. People who suffer from alcohol abuse go through various withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cease from drinking alcohol. There are various methods alcohol abusers to quit using alcohol. For adults who abuse alcohol, achieving abstinence can be an arduous process that can be overcome with the perseveranceRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Abuse1965 Words   |  8 PagesAs of January 2015 alcohol related deaths were represented as accountable for approximately 6% of deaths worldwide. That is 3.3 million deaths from alcohol related car accidents to alcohol poisoning. The consumption of alcohol can be tied with being a factor in a variety of diseases, disabilities, tragedies, and crimes. An estimate of over 76 million people suffer from alcohol dependence and abuse. Consumption of alcohol can become a serious threat to personal and public health when an individualRead MoreThe Church And Alcohol Abuse905 Words   |  4 PagesThe Church and Alcohol Abuse The Church s Teaching on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol The Scriptures and the practice of the Church see alcohol as a gift of God. The Psalms praise God who has given us wine to gladden our hearts, (Ps. 104,15) and the Gospel tells of Jesus providing wine for the wedding celebration at Cana. Every Sunday we gather at the altar where at Jesus’ command we offer and receive wine that has become his blood by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures and the Church areRead MoreAlcoholism and Alcohol Abuse1492 Words   |  6 Pagesmortality rates due to alcohol-related accidents and health issues are close to 35,000† (â€Å"Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse). This fact explains how many problems come along with alcohol abuse, and tell about health issues and accidents that could be caused by alcohol. Alcohol can be very dangerous and threaten the lives of people even if they are not the one consuming alcohol. Wrecks often happen and kill innocent people as a result of people drinking and driving. There are many alcohol related deaths inRead MoreThe Abuse Of Alcohol On Purim Essay1695 Words   |  7 Pages1 Introduction 1.1 Hypothesis The abuse of alcohol on Purim in South Africa results in a complacent attitude towards drinking in Jewish teenagers. 1.2 Aim To determine if: the abuse of alcohol on Purim in South Africa results in a complacent attitude towards drinking in Jewish teenagers. 1.3 Significance of research I am a Jewish boy, going to a Jewish school. In my 17 years of life, I have been exposed to many of my Rabbis, friend’s parents and youth councilors getting drunk on religious occasionsRead MoreAlcoholism and Alcohol Abuse1082 Words   |  5 Pagesmillion people have an addiction to alcohol. This drug can be a mild to chronic addiction and sometimes can turn out fatal for some people (Chakraburtty). Almost 100,000 people have died from overusing this drug (Chakraburtty). Alcoholism and alcohol abuse is not only damaging emotionally, physically, and mentally to the person who is doing it, but to the people around them as well. Both alcoholism and alcohol abuse are each categorized as different cases. Alcohol abuse is different from alcoholism because

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